Printable Resources
Click below for printable companion versions for some of our Expanding Language Activities:
1. Expanding Language - Road Trip
2. Expanding Language - 4th of July
3. Expanding Language - Eating Ice Cream
4. Expanding Language - At the Pool
5. Expanding Language - On a Walk
This page offers various printable resources for families and schools to use with ALL children, not just students with learning differences. We invite you to browse the resources below and print anything that might be useful or fun for your family or classroom. Enjoy!
“Explicit teaching of alphabetic decoding skills
is helpful for all children, harmful for none, and crucial for some.”
- Snowling, Hulme, Snow and Juel
Expanding Language:
Expanding Language is a weekly post with ideas for small games created by our speech pathologist that will help you build in language-based games that are silly, engaging, but purposeful while you're out and about - which is the best way to learn!
Each post has different types of games to play that focus on different components and ways we use language. Mix, match, and create your own, and then let us know how it goes!
You can find our Expanding Language series on our social media pages!